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Paypal button in odd place + why wasn't Paypal option available by default?

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I installed Prestashop 1.4 (sometime ago)

I spent absolutely ages trying to find the Paypal payment option

Couldn't find anywhere!! In the end, I had to download a payment module and install and then I could get the Paypal option


Question: why was't it just there by default?

The documentation seemed to indicate it was


The Paypal button seems to be offset and not in an obvious place!

I think it should be below the 'Add to Cart' button


See below for what I mean:




OK, so I can fix with some CSS hacking - but I just think this shouldn't be necessary and that it should just be OK from the start


(There are images missing because I upgraded to the latest 1.5 edition using the 1 Click method - trying to figure how to fix this - I've posted in the 1.5 forum about that)






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