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Set Default (only) Tax for imported/all Products, doesn't seem to work

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I'm in the U.S. and current law makes it only necessary to have one tax in the localization. (fingers crossed this persists!)


The only one I have enabled is the applicable one and same with the tax rules.


I'm importing products and I've tried everything with regards to tax id including "1" and "0" and, in this case, the tax rule id of "46" which is also the tax id.


Imports still result in "no tax".


I've even gone into the SQL and tried setting there to no avail.


I think I have read issues in the past and this may be a bug but don't want to jump to that conclusion.


So the question is how do I set a single tax/tax rule and have all imported/created items default to that tax rather then no tax?


Not a huge edit of course but I'm trying to minimize/eliminate edits for imported products so it is a simple procedure for all involved.


Thanks for reading!

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I should note that I have tried further tests and something is definetly up with the Tax setting.


I created a new item with the proper tax selected and verified the number in the SQL database. I used that number to import and no joy. Further I edited existing items without tax ids to include the tax id and those too still showed "no tax".


It appears the only way tax holds in my case is if a new item is created and it is set in the BO.


Multiple postings over time on this, starting to think it is bug worthy. I also see bug reports in the past but they are either supposedly solved, withdrawn or forgotten.


Can anyone do some testing of import with tax and/or stuff I've noted? Smaller site I'm developing currently so not a huge issue but in the interest of further developments and others I would like to find out if it is just me or a general issue.



Edited by DBMAN (see edit history)
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Ok so no explanation for setting tax id in SQL and not having it translate to the item in BO or FO but I did figure out what I was doing wrong with the import and maybe others have missed this as well.


I initially had the tax id column ending with my line end character but what I had to do was have a last column that had ONLY the line end character. So, in my case, instead of 1 column of "54;" I had to have 2 columns with "54" and ";"


So for my purposes and use this is solved enough for me and in terms of the initial title this can be marked as solved I think.

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