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Export/Import (convert) from 1.4 to 1.5

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Hello here,


is here any easy way how convert old shop to new 1.5 version? I know updates ... not this. If i have my shop running on 1.4 and now if is 1.5 multistore, i've buyed some domains and would to sell on all of this domains. How to do this? Importing categorie using some modules = epic fail. Importing products using some modules = big epic fail - all because of ID numbers used in old 1.4 and if importing to new 1.5 store it is fail. Really i must rewrite 500 rows of category and 5000 rows ID of products in csv files? :(


Now is my 1.4 store running and on new domain i am testing 1.5, where i need to copy this old store and using multistore sell my products on multiple domains incl. my old shop domain.


I am sorry for my english. I am self learner.

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Hello, If you are not interested in upgrading I would recommend you to think about ***. They already support PrestaShop 1.5 and offer migration of your data from older presta versions to a new one. I would also advise you to contact support first to clarify if they can do exactly what you need. However, as far as I know if you order assistant migration they give you a guarantee that migration will be successful but this is of course more expensive.


You are an advertising shill for the service you mention, at least be honest and don't pretend you are a user. Moderators, take action please.














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