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Customers can't register on OPC after 1.4.9 upgrade

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Hi all,


I've just upgraded from to 1.4.9. I did think that everything had gone well but it now appears not.


The problem is the OPC. Guest checkout works fine but after filling in the form to register and clicking "save" I get the following error:




TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save account



Error thrown: [object Object]

Text status: parsererror



I've seen lots of forum posts about this error when adding products to the cart and changing addresses but none relating to registration on OPC.


Displaying errors gives billions of the following:


[29-Sep-2012 12:51:56] PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/dermalse/public_html/dermalsense.com/classes/MySQL.php on line 175


I don't even know if this error message relates to the checkout problem.


I'm using a slightly modified version of the default theme from an earlier 1.4 install.


Any help debugging this would be greatly appreciated.



Edited by pel024 (see edit history)
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Don't know if this sheds any more light on the problem but using firebug console shows:


POST https://www.dermalsense.com/en/authentication

Response: Fatal error (Customer -> is_guest is empty)


It also references jquery-1.4.4.min.js (line 141) which is:


c.handleSuccess(b,w,e,f);else c.handleError(b,w,e,p);d||c.handleComplete(b,w,e,f);m==="timeout"&&w.abort();if(b.async)w=null[spam-filter];try{var g=w.abort;w.abort=function(){w&&Function.prototype.call.call(g,w);L("abort")[spam-filter]catch(i){}b.async&&b.timeout>0&&setTimeout(function(){w&&!J&&L("timeout")},b.timeout);try{w.send(l||b.data==null?null:b.data)}catch(n){c.handleError(b,w,null,n);c.handleComplete(b,w,e,f)}b.async||L();return w[spam-filter],param:function(a,{var d=[],e=function(h,l){l=c.isFunction(l)?l():l;d[d.length]=


Hope this helps!

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I've had to temporarily hide the register div from the opc until I get this problem fixed (so only guest checkout option available)- God knows how many sales I've lost already. If anyone thinks they can help and wants to see the problem let me know and I'll put it back.



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Turned out the problem was being caused by is_guest being checked in the "Set required fields for this section" part of the customers tab. I didn't even know this existed, let alone why it was checked or even what it does! Anyway unchecking it solved the problem.


However, I'm still getting the following error literally every second of every day:


[29-Sep-2012 12:51:56] PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/dermalse/public_html/dermalsense.com/classes/MySQL.php on line 175


Obviously this wasn't the cause of the checkout problem but I'd still like it to go away so if anyone knows what might be causing it, I'd love to know!

Edited by pel024 (see edit history)
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