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Problemi installazione 1.5

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Ciao a tutti,

prima di scrivere questo topic ho girato molto, ho visto che tante altre persone hanno avuto il mio stesso problema ma non sono ancora riuscito a trovare una soluzione.


Ho un server dedicato su aruba, sto provando ad installare l'ultima versione di prestashop, ma ad un certo punto mi da errore nel passaggio "Populate database tables".


Con furebug questo è il risultato al momento dell'errore durante la chiamata ajax alla pagina "GET http://www.miosito.it/install/index.php?populateDatabase=true&_=1348645915819":


{"success":false,"message":[["Cannot create image \"Awaiting_cheque_payment\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Payment_accepted\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Preparation_in_progress\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Shipped\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Delivered\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Canceled\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Refund\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Payment_error\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"On_backorder\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Awaiting_bank_wire_payment\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Awaiting_PayPal_payment\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Payment_remotely_accepted\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Home\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"CMS_Pages\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Search\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Shops\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Catalog\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Orders\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Customers\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Price_Rules\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Shipping\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Localization\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Modules\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Preferences\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Advanced_Parameters\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Administration\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Stats\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Stock\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Monitoring\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Attributes_and_Values\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Features\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Manufacturers\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Suppliers\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Image_Mapping\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Tags\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Attachments\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Orders_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Invoices\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Merchandise_Returns\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Delivery_Slips\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Credit_Slips\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Statuses\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Order_Messages\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Customers_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Addresses\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Groups\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Shopping_Carts\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Customer_Service\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Contacts\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Titles\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Cart_Rules\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Shipping_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Carriers\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Price_Ranges\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Weight_Ranges\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Localization_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Languages\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Zones\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Countries\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"States\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Currencies\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Taxes\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Tax_Rules\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Translations\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Modules_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Modules_Themes_Catalog\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Positions\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Payment\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"General\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Orders_2\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Products_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Customers_2\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Themes\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"SEO_URLs\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Images\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Store_Contacts\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Search_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Maintenance\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Geolocation\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Configuration_Information\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Performance\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"E-mail\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Multistore\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"CSV_Import\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"DB_Backup\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Logs\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Webservice\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Preferences_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Quick_Access\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Employees\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Profiles\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Permissions\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Menus\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Stats_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Search_Engines\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Referrers\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Stock_Management\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Stock_Movement\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Configuration\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Mr\" for entity \"gender\"","Cannot create image \"Ms\" for entity \"gender\"","Cannot create image \"Miss\" for entity \"gender\""]]}



non so proprio come risolvere... qualche idea?! :(


ciao e grazie a tutti!

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Ciao a tutti,

prima di scrivere questo topic ho girato molto, ho visto che tante altre persone hanno avuto il mio stesso problema ma non sono ancora riuscito a trovare una soluzione.


Ho un server dedicato su aruba, sto provando ad installare l'ultima versione di prestashop, ma ad un certo punto mi da errore nel passaggio "Populate database tables".


Con furebug questo è il risultato al momento dell'errore durante la chiamata ajax alla pagina "GET http://www.miosito.it/install/index.php?populateDatabase=true&_=1348645915819":


{"success":false,"message":[["Cannot create image \"Awaiting_cheque_payment\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Payment_accepted\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Preparation_in_progress\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Shipped\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Delivered\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Canceled\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Refund\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Payment_error\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"On_backorder\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Awaiting_bank_wire_payment\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Awaiting_PayPal_payment\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Payment_remotely_accepted\" for entity \"order_state\"","Cannot create image \"Home\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"CMS_Pages\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Search\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Shops\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Catalog\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Orders\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Customers\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Price_Rules\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Shipping\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Localization\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Modules\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Preferences\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Advanced_Parameters\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Administration\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Stats\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Stock\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Monitoring\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Attributes_and_Values\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Features\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Manufacturers\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Suppliers\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Image_Mapping\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Tags\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Attachments\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Orders_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Invoices\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Merchandise_Returns\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Delivery_Slips\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Credit_Slips\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Statuses\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Order_Messages\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Customers_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Addresses\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Groups\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Shopping_Carts\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Customer_Service\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Contacts\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Titles\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Cart_Rules\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Shipping_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Carriers\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Price_Ranges\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Weight_Ranges\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Localization_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Languages\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Zones\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Countries\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"States\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Currencies\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Taxes\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Tax_Rules\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Translations\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Modules_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Modules_Themes_Catalog\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Positions\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Payment\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"General\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Orders_2\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Products_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Customers_2\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Themes\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"SEO_URLs\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Images\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Store_Contacts\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Search_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Maintenance\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Geolocation\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Configuration_Information\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Performance\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"E-mail\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Multistore\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"CSV_Import\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"DB_Backup\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Logs\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Webservice\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Preferences_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Quick_Access\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Employees\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Profiles\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Permissions\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Menus\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Stats_1\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Search_Engines\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Referrers\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Stock_Management\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Stock_Movement\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Configuration\" for entity \"tab\"","Cannot create image \"Mr\" for entity \"gender\"","Cannot create image \"Ms\" for entity \"gender\"","Cannot create image \"Miss\" for entity \"gender\""]]}



non so proprio come risolvere... qualche idea?! :(


ciao e grazie a tutti!

L'installazione e' nuova di pacca o e' un aggiornamento?


A me l'aggiornamento alla 1.5.xx si e' bloccato alla grande (e pure il rollback).


Provare a installare una che e' piuttosto stabile?

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Ho provato a fare un'installazione nuova.. l'aggiornamento l'ho provato ma è crashato all'istante quindi sorvoliamo.

Sono su Aruba e il server è Linux, php versione 5.3.3 .. non capisco davvero come mai faccia così, non ho trovatto davvero nessuna soluzione!

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