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I am on liquidweb hosting environment and facing email issues .... i have first contacted to their support and they says :



In WHM Settings, you have configured the server to discard any message sent as user "nobody". This is a recommended setting and can help prevent spam-like behavior and possible negative IP reputation.

The PrestaShop management interface, however, was trying to send the messages as nobody - which was resulting in all messages failing. You can configure the system to send through a specific email account which is what I would suggest; you will need to use appropriate SMTP settings along with a username and password combination.




I am using prestashop latest version and SMTP function is not working and i have tested it on 3 different hosting server(Shared+VPS).... at this point can anyone please help me out to resolve this issue ......


Or is there any option to Configure prestashop so that it will not send emails as USER "NOBODY" ?

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