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si te refieres al unsuscribe.php que esta en raiz. es este


$filename = 'UNSUBSCRIBE';
 echo "<div style='background:khaki'><br/>";
 echo "<h3>  ".trans('Your newsletter subscription')."</h3><p> </p>";
 $nu = new NewsLetterUpdater();
 echo "<fieldset><p>";
 echo $nu->newsletterRegistration();
 echo "</p></fieldset><br/>";
 echo ' <form><input type="submit" name="back" value="OK" onclick="self.location.href='.__PS_BASE_URI__.'" class="button" /></form></br> ';  
 echo "</div>";


 class NewsLetterUpdater

private function isNewsletterRegistered($customerEmail)
		if (Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `email` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($customerEmail).'\''))
			return 1;
	  if (!$registered = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `newsletter` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($customerEmail).'\''))
		  return -1;
	  if ($registered['newsletter'] == '1')
		  return 2;
	  return 0;

   public function newsletterRegistration()
  global $currentIndex, $cookie;

		if (empty($_GET['email']))
header('Location: index.php');
  if (!Validate::isEmail(pSQL($_GET['email'])))
		  return  trans('Invalid e-mail address').'.';
	   /* Unsubscription */
	   elseif ($_GET['action'] == '1')
		   $registerStatus = $this->isNewsletterRegistered(pSQL($_GET['email']));
			if ($registerStatus < 1)
				return trans('This e-mail address').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('is not registered in our database').'.';
			/* If the user ins't a customer */
			elseif ($registerStatus == 1)
				if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($_GET['email']).'\''))
   return trans('Error during unsubscription').'.';

  Mail::Send(intval($cookie->id_lang), 'unsubscribe_conf', Mail::l(trans('Unsubscribe our Newsletter')), array('{email}' => $_GET['email']), pSQL($_GET['email']), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _PS_MODULE_DIR_.'blocknewsletter/mails/');	
			  return trans('You are now unsubscribed from our mailing list').'. '.trans('Your e-mail').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('has been removed from our database').'. </br> '.trans('A confirmation mail has been sent').'.';
			/* If the user is a customer */
			elseif ($registerStatus == 2)
				if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer SET `newsletter` = 0 WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($_GET['email']).'\''))
   return trans('Error during unsubscription').'.';
  Mail::Send(intval($cookie->id_lang), 'unsubscribe_conf', Mail::l(trans('Unsubscribe our Newsletter')), array('{email}' => $_GET['email']), pSQL($_GET['email']), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,  _PS_MODULE_DIR_.'blocknewsletter/mails/');	  
			 return trans('You are now unsubscribed from our mailing list').'. '.trans('Your e-mail').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('has been removed from our database').'. </br> '.trans('A confirmation mail has been sent').'.';
	   /* Subscription */
	   elseif ($_GET['action'] == '0')
			$registerStatus = $this->isNewsletterRegistered(pSQL($_GET['email']));
		  if ($registerStatus > 0)
			  return trans('This e-mail address').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('is already registered').'.';
		  /* If the user ins't a customer */
		  elseif ($registerStatus == -1)

global $cookie;

if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute('INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter (email, newsletter_date_add, ip_registration_newsletter, http_referer) VALUES (\''.pSQL($_GET['email']).'\', NOW(), \''.pSQL(Tools::getRemoteAddr()).'\',

 (SELECT c.http_referer FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'connections c WHERE c.id_guest = '.(int)($cookie->id_guest).' ORDER BY c.date_add DESC LIMIT 1))'))
				  return trans('Error during subscription').'.';

			  return trans('You are now subscribed to our mailing list').'. '.trans('Your e-mail').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('was added to our database').'.';
		  /* If the user is a customer */
		  elseif ($registerStatus == 0)
			   if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer SET `newsletter` = 1, newsletter_date_add = NOW(), `ip_registration_newsletter` = \''.pSQL($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).'\' WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($_GET['email']).'\''))
				  return trans('Error during subscription').'.';
			  return trans('You are now subscribed to our mailing list').'. '.trans('Your e-mail').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('was added to our database').'.';



jajajaj olvidalo... ya vi la linea !! al ponerlo aqui salto :) tantas lineas ya me tienen ciego !!

Edited by C.Perez (see edit history)
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si te refieres al unsuscribe.php que esta en raiz. es este


$filename = 'UNSUBSCRIBE';
 echo "<div style='background:khaki'><br/>";
 echo "<h3>  ".trans('Your newsletter subscription')."</h3><p> </p>";
 $nu = new NewsLetterUpdater();
 echo "<fieldset><p>";
 echo $nu->newsletterRegistration();
 echo "</p></fieldset><br/>";
 echo ' <form><input type="submit" name="back" value="OK" onclick="self.location.href='.__PS_BASE_URI__.'" class="button" /></form></br> ';  
 echo "</div>";


 class NewsLetterUpdater

private function isNewsletterRegistered($customerEmail)
		if (Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `email` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($customerEmail).'\''))
			return 1;
	  if (!$registered = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `newsletter` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($customerEmail).'\''))
		  return -1;
	  if ($registered['newsletter'] == '1')
		  return 2;
	  return 0;

   public function newsletterRegistration()
  global $currentIndex, $cookie;

		if (empty($_GET['email']))
header('Location: index.php');
  if (!Validate::isEmail(pSQL($_GET['email'])))
		  return  trans('Invalid e-mail address').'.';
	   /* Unsubscription */
	   elseif ($_GET['action'] == '1')
		   $registerStatus = $this->isNewsletterRegistered(pSQL($_GET['email']));
			if ($registerStatus < 1)
				return trans('This e-mail address').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('is not registered in our database').'.';
			/* If the user ins't a customer */
			elseif ($registerStatus == 1)
				if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($_GET['email']).'\''))
   return trans('Error during unsubscription').'.';

  Mail::Send(intval($cookie->id_lang), 'unsubscribe_conf', Mail::l(trans('Unsubscribe our Newsletter')), array('{email}' => $_GET['email']), pSQL($_GET['email']), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _PS_MODULE_DIR_.'blocknewsletter/mails/');	
			  return trans('You are now unsubscribed from our mailing list').'. '.trans('Your e-mail').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('has been removed from our database').'. </br> '.trans('A confirmation mail has been sent').'.';
			/* If the user is a customer */
			elseif ($registerStatus == 2)
				if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer SET `newsletter` = 0 WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($_GET['email']).'\''))
   return trans('Error during unsubscription').'.';
  Mail::Send(intval($cookie->id_lang), 'unsubscribe_conf', Mail::l(trans('Unsubscribe our Newsletter')), array('{email}' => $_GET['email']), pSQL($_GET['email']), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,  _PS_MODULE_DIR_.'blocknewsletter/mails/');	  
			 return trans('You are now unsubscribed from our mailing list').'. '.trans('Your e-mail').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('has been removed from our database').'. </br> '.trans('A confirmation mail has been sent').'.';
	   /* Subscription */
	   elseif ($_GET['action'] == '0')
			$registerStatus = $this->isNewsletterRegistered(pSQL($_GET['email']));
		  if ($registerStatus > 0)
			  return trans('This e-mail address').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('is already registered').'.';
		  /* If the user ins't a customer */
		  elseif ($registerStatus == -1)

global $cookie;

if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute('INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter (email, newsletter_date_add, ip_registration_newsletter, http_referer) VALUES (\''.pSQL($_GET['email']).'\', NOW(), \''.pSQL(Tools::getRemoteAddr()).'\',

 (SELECT c.http_referer FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'connections c WHERE c.id_guest = '.(int)($cookie->id_guest).' ORDER BY c.date_add DESC LIMIT 1))'))
				  return trans('Error during subscription').'.';

			  return trans('You are now subscribed to our mailing list').'. '.trans('Your e-mail').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('was added to our database').'.';
		  /* If the user is a customer */
		  elseif ($registerStatus == 0)
			   if (!Db::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer SET `newsletter` = 1, newsletter_date_add = NOW(), `ip_registration_newsletter` = \''.pSQL($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).'\' WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($_GET['email']).'\''))
				  return trans('Error during subscription').'.';
			  return trans('You are now subscribed to our mailing list').'. '.trans('Your e-mail').' (<b>'.$_GET['email'].'</b>) '.trans('was added to our database').'.';



jajajaj olvidalo... ya vi la linea !! al ponerlo aqui salto :) tantas lineas ya me tienen ciego !!

Por eso te dije que lo abrieras..


La linea es esta:


 echo "<div style='background:khaki'><br/>";


Ya le pones el background que quieras..

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