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translation on "Update carrier list" button

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hi, (ps

to see translation on "Update carrier list" button

modify \modules\carriercompare\template\carriercompare.tpl


<input class="exclusive_large" id="update_carriers_list" type="button" value="{l s='Update carrier list' }" />


<input class="exclusive_large" id="update_carriers_list" type="button" name="update_carriers_list" value="{l s='Update carrier list' mod='carriercompare'}" />




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  • 6 months later...

Thanks, Bru!!


I have been translating my PS 1.5 store into Mexican Spanish. I have been doing this through the "translations" in the BO. However, the "Update Carrier List" text on the button on the 1st page pf checkout would not translate. I kept looking around and debugging until I found your post. I changed the carriercompare.tpl like you said above, and then my translation from the BO started to appear. It looks like the template was missing a few attributes.

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