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Friendly url requirements ?


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Is there something more than mod_rewrite to get friendly urls to work?

When I turn on the function and generate the .htaccess file all menues and images stop working.

It appears that it enters random numbers in the url in the category block.

In my menu I have an entry “Category” that typically point to “category.php?Category_id=2” it is converted to “2-category” that does not go anywhere, I get a 404 page and also an entry in the apache error log about trying to access a file that does not exist.


If looking at the settings in the category object in the backend, I have written that the frienly url should be “Category” if I add a 2 before to make it look as the generated page, it adds another 2– before so that it points at “2-2-category”.

I can’t manually type in what they should be called in the address bar.


I've tried every possible tip that ive found, disabled all caching cleared smarty folders.


I run debian with apache 2.2.22, php 5.4 and PrestaShop


/ / Johan


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