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Single Page Layout

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I am creating a site which I would like to have a single column layout and I am having problems.

I only require items on the right column in all pages, so have removed all modules from the left column. Although I have done this, it has not had the desired effect.

In Firefox, the main content has moved over where the left column has been (which I want), but the right column has alsol shifted and not stayed right aligned.

In Internet explorer, the right column is right aligned, and the left column is just left blank, leaving the text 'floating' in the middle of the page.

Please can you help me on this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The site url is: http://shop.ministryclothing.co.uk

Ashley Ayling.

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Your center_column width is a fixed width, defined in your stylesheet, global.css. So if you take out the left column and want the center wider, you'll need to change the stylesheet's width for center_column. If you don't, the center won't just expand to fill the space where the left column was. In addition, if you look at the generated html, you'll see that the div for the left_column is still in your page, so if I were you, and you know that you won't need the left column anywhere, I'd put display:none; into the left_column css of the global.css. This will keep the left_column div from being generated in the html at all.

Here's how to fix the center_column width: After a quick look with firebug, the center_column div is inside #page, which if you look at your global.css sheet is defined as 980px wide. On line 263, you'll see that both columns were 190px wide and the center is 556px. So if you want to take out a column, then an easy way is to add its width to the width of the center, so 556+190=746px for the new width of the center column. There might be some tweaking you'll need to do if you want to change padding or margins, but that hopefully gives you an idea of how to fix the problem. Just be sure that nothing adds up to be greater than your #page width of 980px.



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