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unable to upgrade to latest

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Hi I am trying to upgrade PS to

I deleted autoupgrade then uploaded it latest versin 0.32


then tried to upgrade it


it upgrades and back up is also saved but when it processes the backup data base

technical error comes and the message is

[technical error] error during (backupdb)


I have saved back up but what am i doing wrong that upgrade is not happening


please help



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Same problem. I had same experience. I installed my new Prestashop only 48 hours ago, Then this morning the final version is available. Great.. no problem, we have the autoupgrade...

But its not so "auto" ..

Quit strange that the autoupgrade module that comes with a version downloaded 48 hours ago, is "to old" to make an autoupdate". This does not seems smooth / auto. (Version 0,22 til 0,32 seems quit some versionsteps lost under its way...

Why is it so difficult to find a clear and easy information and the necessary files to make an upgrade. After all, this is very well a feature ALL users, experienced / not experienced will need. Searching for "autoupgrade" at your main searching give "o" results. One has to go to the forum sites, and here the suggested links from members (who do their best) comes with a file that has error when unpacking in Prestashop.

We are not talking about beta releases but the Final version / and second final version !...

Not good enough...... !

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but what is the solution, I have checked whol;e forum for solutions but can't find one, everythings seems to be working someethly but the last moment this error comes.


I seem to have more problems I don't know why my image is not visible in website and when I checkout everything is blank, I don't know what I have done but where can I find help. Two days I have wasted and am going through each and every step and conguguration to see where I have gone wrong but I end up being more confused


I just want to start whole thing from the begining but alredy I have done it three times and wasted a lot of my time......can't aford to do that any more.


Please help me someone....


my website is fashioncounter.x10.bz

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