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[Solved] Where is the new 0.9 version

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the development of applications follow in a certain version numbering system.

currently: v0.8.5

next: v0.8.9

followed by a few, untill the application is feature complete. In the case of PrestaShop, version 1 should be everything in the feature list, along with being secure, and most bugs eradicated. The purpose of releasing pre version 1 (i.e. 0.8.5 etc) is to identify bugs and to ensure they are fixed before version 1 goes live.

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Hi everybody


Nice explanation James. It is exactly that.


But to reply to the first question, every day we meet new critical bugs which delay the release date. We're aware about the discomfort generated, but we prefer having a kinda stable version (instead of the 0.8.5 which needed a patch the same day !).

So like every day, I can say the release is for today... except if we encounter major bugs.

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