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For those who are having issues with sending e-mails

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Hi guys


I am a newbie to Prestashop and I am keen on setting up my technical equipment shop using it. What I have found most annoying while I was configuring my shop was the problem with sending e-mails. Despite all the efforts I made, the site constantly refused to send e-mails.. until I found the following solution:


1- Download the attached MailSend.php

2- Place the file under ..\tools\swift\Swift\plugin directory

3- Modify all the e-mail adresses on the site (Settings>Contact, Employees>Contacs, Settings>E-mail) to be the same

4- Send a test e-mail and enjoy :)


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This problem is due some hosting provider companies which disables some mail() function flag in PHP configuration. Then you need some additional work and sometimes it just does not work. I cannot understand why there is still this problem anyway. For example, there are any problems with WordPress on the same server and only PrestaShop malfunctions. I think that PrestaTeam should look more into that and make it easier.

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