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Show all Language Fields in Admin to save time


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I'm almost able to implement solution to show all languages for fields which require multiple languages.


I just need some jquery trick, so who is able to help me and I hope others who like this.


My shop has 6 languages. I have MANY clicks due to language switching and no overview. I want to show all language fields and not to click on the flag then select the language. I also don't see upfront the language text so I have to cycle trhough all the languages for each field.


What I did so far.


in js/admin.js I modified a line to change hide() into show(). This will keep the input visible. Then I added a line to show the flag. However here I get always the same flag and I need to show the corresponding flag. This should be based on the id="lang_4" .


I changed:





and added:


.siblings('div:not(.displayed_flag):not(.clear)').append('<span><img src="../img/l/' + id_language_new + '.jpg"/></span>')
$('.language_current').attr('src', '../img/l/' + id_language_new + '.jpg');


The complete function with these changes included:


function changeFormLanguage(id_language_new, iso_code, employee_cookie)
$('.translatable').each(function() {
$(this).find('.lang_' + id_language_new)
 .siblings('div:not(.displayed_flag):not(.clear)').append('<span><img src="../img/l/' + id_language_new + '.jpg"/></span>')
$('.language_current').attr('src', '../img/l/' + id_language_new + '.jpg');
if (employee_cookie)
$.post("ajax.php", { form_language_id: id_language_new });
id_language = id_language_new;


By the way, this is only working in products and categories as other forms are still using the old changeLanguage() function. But it's a start!


I would really appreciate if somebody can let me know how to change id_language_new and to get the correct language then this will help me further.

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