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My to manual upgrade bugs

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Last night I did an to manual upgrade (forgot about the auto-update). This is the second upgrade, the first was to, but I didn't recall from which version (it was only two or three days after the first install), and I didn't noticed these problems on that update.


As for the first upgrade, I took the official "update guide to PrestaShop v1.4" (http://doc.prestasho...-PrestaShop.pdf). I did everything said in the document, but I want to emphasize the following:


- From the backup, I copied the whole "/img folder" ("contains your logo and all the pictures of your store (categories, products…)")

- From the backup, I copied, from the "/modules folder" ("only copy the modules that you have added") only my four modules, but not the blockadvertising module. But the picture is saved exactly that folder...


After the update the following happened:

- the picture in the blockadvertising module dissapeared, being replaced by the default picture

- product categories which hadn't pictures assigned before got the default Prestashop pictures. Before /after upgrade examples:


96572270.th.jpg 65872638.th.jpg


The same thing happened in the backoffice:

48270886.th.jpg 73028878.th.jpg


Second (before / after) example, also a category which had no picture assigned:

41216559.th.jpg 94020542.th.jpg

55260521.th.jpg 96830586.th.jpg


After the upgrade, the shop looked almost ok (except the missing blockadvertising picture). But I went to the editor module, which had no homepage logo assigned, and modified one word in the text. After saving the default picture appeared.

36604685.th.jpg 82172304.th.jpg

22415319.th.jpg 93903802.th.jpg


Beside this, the statistics are gone wild (again), but I wrote that on another topic.


(If you ask how I got all these before / after screenshots: I tooked the original backups, restored them to another (test) domain, and did the whole upgrade process again, just to verify :) )


Best regards.

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