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Get Price Before Reduction and override group discount

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I have not been using PS for that long so not sure if this is a bug or intended:

I have a wholesale group set up with a discounted rate, so when a member of this group logs in they see the discounted price, great. BUT these are my issues:

  1. I also want to display the original price
  2. I want to be able to override this discount on a product level

Displaying Original Price

Looking in the template there is a function:

{$product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true, $smarty.const.NULL)}

Surely this should return the price before the group reduction has been applied? No it returns the reduced price.


Override Discount Rate

Trying to override the discount by going into a specific product and adding a group discount specific price results in a further discount of the price for members of the group, so if

the original price was $790,

and the discount on the group was 10%

members would see $711,

BUT if a specific group discount is set at 15% the price now displays values:

getPrice - 604.35

getPriceWithoutReduct - 711


if a specific price for the group is set at $200 the price now displays values (I removed the product specific discount above):

getPrice - 180

getPriceWithoutReduct - 180


The issue is that I thought I would be able to override the group discount with a specific price discount on the item level, but even the value returned by the function getPriceWithoutReduct is the reduced rate.


Sorry hope this makes sense; I am using PS




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