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[SOLVED] SSL again - https on all pages (don´t want it)


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Dear community,


I read most topics about SSL here at the forum, but I haven´t found a solution yet. I use a dedicated IP and a private certificate from EuropeanSSL. My webhoster installed it and secured my domain like www.domain.com and now I see on every page the https prefix, which is plausible I guess. Now I activate the SSL option in Backoffice and nothing happens. I still see https on every page. It also seems, that there´s an error with the configuration. It says that my page is only partly secured, I dont see the certificate, only https. In Backoffice it´s working though.


How do I assign the https to the pages where it is needed?


I read something about editing the code in the FrontController.php (here) from

$_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' to $_SERVER['HTTPS']) == '1', but I only find $_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'off', and I´m not sure to manually edit this to '1'.


Please help, this is kind of urgent. My shop is deactivated for public, but I can let somebody in, to help me out.



Thank you in advance!



Shop Software is Prestashop


Edit: solved! My webhoster installed the certificate and linked all http pages to https. It was no prestashop error. To remove the https on an all pages, you have to go into your server software and deavtivate the button http->https :)


Anyhow, I have some other problems like this all well known redirect-error. I try to get rid of that by studying the forum.

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