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Wierd stuff after upgrade - some cms pages gone, many customers & orders gone and more

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Hi all

I've done a test upgrade and got it working (kind of!) but some strange things have happened, I'm guessing the database has gone weird - is this a bug?

1. my cms pages from 15-19 have disappeared
2. only orders from before 31/1/2010 are showing - and because of this most customers' details are gone
3. The search function does not work properly - eg it will say 10 items have been found, then show 2 completely unrelated items only
4. I had lots of disabled categories and products, these are all now showing as enabled (a pain as I had over 265 disabled products and there is no easy way to mass delete them from my old version of prestashop)

Is this some kind of bug with prestashop? Or has my database been corrupted? I would greatly appreciate any help.



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