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[Solved] what meaning of "MyClasseCore", please help ?

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Dear Team Support,

I wanna upgrade our site from prestahsop v.1.3 to prestashop v.1.4.3, but I have confuse one step is below :

adding the “Core” suffix. For intance, “MyClasse” becomes “MyClasseCore”.

Please help, i wanna upgrade for new prestashop version. Thank you


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Dear Team Support,

I wanna upgrade our site from prestahsop v.1.3 to prestashop v.1.4.3, but I have confuse one step is below :

adding the “Core” suffix. For intance, “MyClasse” becomes “MyClasseCore”.

Please help, i wanna upgrade for new prestashop version. Thank you

First, you're post on the wrong Forum, so ... this thread will be moved to English forum

To answer your problem ...
The condition only applied if you have a customize classes on your prestashop v.1.3
You have to make sure about that ... check all custom module wich are used on your Prestashop

If you have customize classes and your customize classes have a name MyClass,
then you must rename it to MyClassCore , but do not renaming the classes filename it self

for example, inside the Address.php classes file you'll see something like this in the first line:

class        Address extends ObjectModel
...... content ......

then you must rename Address to AddressCore

class        AddressCore extends ObjectModel
...... content ......

All of this classes file placed on .../classes/

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Dear Support,

I have try to install the upgrade prestashop V.1.4.3 from V.1.3.1, but I have a little problem. Please help to fix my proble. thank you.

Message Error Below :

One or more errors have occurred, you can find more informations below or in the log/installation.log file.

Error during install/upgrade: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Module::getnonnativemodulelist() in /home/sloki/user/h21487/sites/triinti.com/www/prestashop/install/php/desactivatecustommodules.php on line 30

You may have to:

1. Fix the error(s) displayed
2. Put your database backup
3. Modify the file settings.inc.php to put the old version for the line with _PS_VERSION_
4. Restart the upgrade process from the begining

Please someone help me, thank you


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