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[Solved] Query of CMS links in a specific CMS category

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Anybody know the best query to use to grab all the links in a specific CMS category and add them to $content ? I have been digging around in other modules and have gotten close, but no cigar. My ability to write joins need some work still and I haven't the time to improve right now. Thus I reach out to those that already have it down.


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Nevermind. ajax_blockcms.php has a good join example to use.

   SELECT cl.`meta_title`, c.`id_cms` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cms` c
   JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'cms_lang` cl ON (c.`id_cms` = cl.`id_cms`)
   WHERE c.`id_cms_category` = '.(int)($cmsCatID).'
   AND c.`active` = 1 
   AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)($cookie->id_lang).'
   ORDER BY c.`id_cms`');

Where $cmsCatID is the id passed into the function.

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