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[Solved] Little script problem


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Who can help me with this?

This is my PHP-script:

    function hookExtraLeft($params)
       global $cookie, $link, $smarty;
       /* Product informations */
       $product = new Product(intval(Tools::getValue('id_product')), false, intval($cookie->id_lang));
       $productLink = $link->getProductLink($product);
       $smarty->assign('this_path', $this->_path);
       return $this->display(__FILE__, 'product_page.tpl');

and this is my .tpl page:

 {l s='Email dit artikel aan vriend(in)' mod='sendtoafriend'}

when je execute this you wil get:

BUT it has to be:

The script must not give the id_product code but a friendly URL code.

Who can solve this problem for me please...
Thanks... :cheese:

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I've modified to code

    function hookExtraLeft($params)
       global $cookie, $link, $smarty;
           /* Product informations */
           $product = new Product(intval(Tools::getValue('id_product')), false, intval($cookie->id_lang));
           $productLinks = $link->getProductLink($product);
           $productLink = preg_replace("(https?)://*", "", $productLinks);
               $smarty->assign('this_path', $this->_path);
       return $this->display(__FILE__, 'product_page.tpl');

 {l s='Email dit artikel aan vriend(in)' mod='sendtoafriend'}

And it gives now this result:

How can I remove the red part from the URL:

I only need this part: 95-sparta-e-motion-damesfiets.html

Can someone help me with the code please

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    function hookExtraLeft($params)    
       global $cookie, $link, $smarty;
       /* Product informations */
       $product = new Product(intval(Tools::getValue('id_product')), false, intval($cookie->id_lang));
       $productLink = $link->getProductLink($product->id, $product->link_rewrite);
       $smarty->assign('productLink', parse_url($productLink,PHP_URL_QUERY));
//        $productLink = preg_replace("/[^\/]*$/","",$productLink);  
       $productLink = preg_replace("#^[^:/.]*[:/]+#i","",$productLink);  
           'this_path' => $this_path,
           'product' => $product,
           'productLink' => $productLink

 {l s='Email dit artikel aan vriend(in)' mod='sendtoafriend'}

Gives as result:

but it must be:

Can someone help me to fix the above preg_replace code please????

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