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images huge size


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Hi, when importing the .csv with products I linked images in the folder sized 350MB.

After importing the folder is 1.6GB huge.

Why and how to reduce the folder size?
I know that Prestashop generates thumbnails but 1.6GB and 350MB are very different.



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The increase in folder size from 350MB to 1.6GB after importing images into Prestashop is likely due to the generation of thumbnails and additional metadata associated with each image. Prestashop generates multiple sizes of thumbnails to accommodate different display requirements across the website, which can significantly increase the overall file size of the image folder.

To reduce the folder size, you can consider the following options:

Optimize Images: Before importing, optimize the images to reduce their file size without compromising quality. You can use image optimization tools or software to compress images while maintaining visual integrity.

Limit Thumbnail Sizes: Review the Prestashop settings to determine if you can reduce the number or size of generated thumbnails. Adjusting thumbnail settings can help reduce the overall size of the image folder.

Delete Unnecessary Images: Remove any redundant or unnecessary images from the folder before importing them into Prestashop. This can help reduce the overall size of the folder.

Use External Image Hosting: Consider hosting images externally using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) or image hosting service. This can offload the storage burden from your server and help improve website performance.

Implement Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading for images on your website. Lazy loading delays the loading of images until they are needed, reducing the initial page load time and bandwidth usage.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively reduce the size of the image folder and optimize the performance of your Prestashop website.

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Look at your image configuration, to see all formats. It determines how many images will be generated for each one. For example if you have thumbnail, small, medium, large, cart, you'll have 5 * nb of images generated. So to optimise, you can verify if all are used with your theme, check the format (jpeg and webp are best reducing size), the compression level, and if you have high resolution activated it will double one more time number of images.

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