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Add delivery time to invoice PDF


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I want to add a delivery time to the invoice PDF, I've tried to code it but without success.
What I think what must be done is add on invoice.summary-tab.tpl an extra rule 'delivery time' and an extra rule with information in it. I've tried to add $carrier->delay but the result in the PDF is "Array" while if I add $carrier->name it prints the name of the carrier. So Somewhere I must add the delay somewhere? Who can help me?


<table id="summary-tab" width="100%">
		<th class="header small" valign="middle">{l s='Invoice Number' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</th>
		<th class="header small" valign="middle">{l s='Invoice Date' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</th>
		<th class="header small" valign="middle">{l s='Order ID' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</th>
		<th class="header small" valign="middle">{l s='Order date' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</th>
        <th class="header small" valign="middle">{l s='Delivery time' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</th>
		{if $addresses.invoice->vat_number}
			<th class="header small" valign="middle">{l s='VAT Number' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</th>
		<td class="center small white">{$title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td>
		<td class="center small white">{dateFormat date=$order->invoice_date full=0}</td>
		<td class="center small white">{'ORD-I365-'}{$order->id}</td>
		<td class="center small white">{dateFormat date=$order->date_add full=0}</td>
        <td class="center small white">{'delivered within 3 - 5 weeks'}</td>
		{if $addresses.invoice->vat_number}
			<td class="center small white">


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It seems that adding the delivery time to the invoice PDF requires a specific development. While attempting to code this feature, you've encountered challenges, indicating that it may involve more intricate modifications than anticipated.

To ensure that the delivery time is correctly displayed on the invoice PDF, I recommend reaching out to one of PrestaShop's agency partners. These experts specialize in PrestaShop development and customization, and they can assist you in implementing the desired functionality seamlessly.

You can find a list of PrestaShop agency partners and contact them for further assistance via the following link: https://www.prestashop.com/en/experts

They will be able to analyze your specific requirements and provide you with a tailored solution to add the delivery time to your invoice PDF efficiently.

Wishing you an excellent day.

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