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Need to find a mistake


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Hello everybody. have a complicated problem at the site. 

We have the modules from the developer, they don't work correctly. 

Here is a text taken from the log of our server (we are using VPS, we have a specialist who set it up.) And the developer is a freelancer. Now one of them told that the problem is on server, the other one told that  the error is somewhere in the code. 

I can't evaluate because I don't know neither php nor server's set up. 

Here is the  log: 

AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined index: menu_o in /var/www/vhosts/vacufry.com/httpdocs/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/98/46/a8/9846a8984258ba6e999aa5ad536f3823dc20083f_0.file.form.tpl.php on line 78PHP message: PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'value' of non-object in /var/www/vhosts/vacufry.com/httpdocs/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/98/46/a8/9846a8984258ba6e999aa5ad536f3823dc20083f_0.file.form.tpl.php on line 78PHP message: PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'show_vertical_menu' of non-object in /var/www/vhosts/vacufry.com/httpdocs/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/98/46/a8/9846a8984258ba6e999aa5ad536f3823dc20083f_0.file.form.tpl.php on line 78', referer: https://vacufry.com/admin381dphv01/index.php/improve/modules/manage?_token=5ZFgBbC8u6JjRXEdC41Mv8Cp-rzM1xDB3nv4WKzNy9w


Could any one give me any idea about what it might be? the developer told that it may be the problem with the right (but we have tried to put 777 to all files - that didn't help). Our specialist told that there are some problem wit the code....Is it possible to understand where the error is in fact? Thanks in advance 

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38 minutes ago, Prestashop Addict said:

Hi, this is only a PHP warning not fatal error, don't worry about it. If you want to avoid it in log file change the error level log in php.ini

Thank you for the reply, but the module doesn't work, and there is now other messages about the errors or something like this.

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If it is a specific module, issue comes from developer. Try to deactivate smarty cache, the error will be more precise.


Undefined index: menu_o

Means that the string key menu_o doesn't exist in array.

And the second one


property 'show_vertical_menu' of non-object

means object is null

This is clearly a PHP/smarty issue not system at all 😉

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