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cURL error 35: accounts-api.psessentials.net


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When i try to update a shop slug in a multistore instance i recieve this error:


cURL error 35: OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to accounts-api.psessentials.net:443




File: modules/ps_accounts/ps_accounts.php

The error execute on this hook:

     * Hook trigger when a change is made on the domain name
     * @param array $params
     * @return bool
     * @throws Exception
    public function hookActionObjectShopUrlUpdateAfter($params)
        $bodyHttp = [
            'params' => $params,
            'domain' => $params['object']->domain,
            'domain_ssl' => $params['object']->domain_ssl,
            'shop_id' => $params['object']->id_shop,
            'main' => $params['object']->main,
            'active' => $params['object']->active,

        /** @var \PrestaShop\Module\PsAccounts\Service\ShopLinkAccountService $shopLinkAccountService */
        $shopLinkAccountService = $this->getService(

        $shopLinkAccountService->updateShopUrl($bodyHttp, 'multishop');

        return true;


It seems only a communication problem with prestashop's telemetry services.

Any easy way to disable this so that my store can continue to function?


Edited by Calltek (see edit history)
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Temporarily Disable the module or uninstall it if you don't need it.

Investigate if there are any other modules related to telemetry, accounts, or communication with external services.

If you're comfortable with code modifications and want a quick solution, you can comment out the code in your ps_accounts.php file.

After making any changes, clear the Prestashop cache.

Remember that disabling or modifying this code may affect the functionality provided by the PsAccounts module, so you should consider this a temporary solution.

Edited by AddWeb Solution
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I cannot disable the ps_accounts module. What I did do was to comment out that hook which as far as I can see should not affect anything but the telemetry itself.

However, maybe the error should be controlled so that if the telemetry fails it doesn't throw a critical error.

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Le 25/01/2024 à 1:38 PM, Calltek a dit :

I cannot disable the ps_accounts module. What I did do was to comment out that hook which as far as I can see should not affect anything but the telemetry itself.

However, maybe the error should be controlled so that if the telemetry fails it doesn't throw a critical error.

It seems to be a certificate, issue. Do you use a cache?

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