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Get category ID - product-json.tpl


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How can I get category ID in schema.org template? {$id_category} doesen't work...  I need category id for implementings products on facebook. Without category id, facebook won't retrieve products... Please help

    "@context": "https://schema.org/",
    "@type": "Product",
    "name": "{$product.name}",
    "description": "{$page.meta.description|regex_replace:"/[\r\n]/" : " "}",
    "category": "{$id_category}",
    {if !empty($product.cover)}"image" :"{$product.cover.bySize.home_default.url}",{/if}
    "sku": "{if $product.reference}{$product.reference}{else}{$product.id}{/if}",
    "mpn": "{if $product.mpn}{$product.mpn}{elseif $product.reference}{$product.reference}{else}{$product.id}{/if}"
    {if $product.ean13},"gtin13": "{$product.ean13}"
    {else if $product.upc},"gtin13": "{$product.upc}"
    {if $product_manufacturer->name OR $shop.name},
    "brand": {
      "@type": "Thing",
      "name": "{if $product_manufacturer->name}{$product_manufacturer->name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{else}{$shop.name}{/if}"


Edited by mfish (see edit history)
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On 11/23/2023 at 5:01 PM, mfish said:


How can I get category ID in schema.org template? {$id_category} doesen't work...  I need category id for implementings products on facebook. Without category id, facebook won't retrieve products... Please help

    "@context": "https://schema.org/",
    "@type": "Product",
    "name": "{$product.name}",
    "description": "{$page.meta.description|regex_replace:"/[\r\n]/" : " "}",
    "category": "{$id_category}",
    {if !empty($product.cover)}"image" :"{$product.cover.bySize.home_default.url}",{/if}
    "sku": "{if $product.reference}{$product.reference}{else}{$product.id}{/if}",
    "mpn": "{if $product.mpn}{$product.mpn}{elseif $product.reference}{$product.reference}{else}{$product.id}{/if}"
    {if $product.ean13},"gtin13": "{$product.ean13}"
    {else if $product.upc},"gtin13": "{$product.upc}"
    {if $product_manufacturer->name OR $shop.name},
    "brand": {
      "@type": "Thing",
      "name": "{if $product_manufacturer->name}{$product_manufacturer->name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{else}{$shop.name}{/if}"



Can you please explain the path where you have added the below code and which files are included in the same so that we can help you out in the situation? if you need category ID and if this is a template file you need to identify from where this product variable is assigned and similarly assign category id from there.

Also, you can try below code  "category": "{$product.id_category_default}",

I believe that the above code will give you the category ID.

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