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How send a passwd to mail?


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Hello everyone, how can I add a password line to the registration greeting? I tried to add the line private function


sendConfirmationMail(Customer $customer, $plainTextPassword) '{passwd}' => $plainTextPassword


But when I click Save, it displays an HTTP ERROR 500 page and no message is sent to the soap. I also tried $clearTextPassword, same problem.

If you do not add these changes to the classes/form/CustomerPersister.php file, then everything works fine, but you receive an email without a password, I have attached screenshots.

1 screen - result when specifying data;

2 screen - result without specified data.

Presta version 8.1.0 



Edited by Xardline1
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1 hour ago, endriu107 said:

Эта опция была удалена из Prestashop давным-давно по соображениям безопасности пользователей, почему вы хотите ее восстановить?

I have full access to the site's hard code. I'm ready to restore it, just tell me how I can do this? I want a person to always be able to see his password in his email and not have to constantly recover it. There is nothing important on my site that a person can lose (no need to think about any kind of security) 

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33 minutes ago, endriu107 said:

Users personal data are not important?

Check in 1.6 password was added to email so you can copy solution.

How can I copy it from there? Was the password sent by email? Do not remember that. Will this work for 8.1.0? 

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