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Out of stock product availability changes by itself

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Hi, on our prestashop we have noticed that for OUT OF STOCK products that we set to ALLOW ORDERS, this setting changes by itself back to DENY ORDERS.

Running PS 8.1.1 on php8 everything else seems to be working as it should only this keeps changing to DENY ORDERS after a few hours.

Does not depend on new orders. For example after I set to "allow orders" and order a variation, it still stays on "allow orders". But when waiting to the next day it's changed back to "deny orders".


Any ideas what to do?

I use webservice to sync stock data with ERP and have the following permissions set up for this webservice:


For example if take away "modify" permissions for resource "stock_availables" this does not happen but then also stock is not synced anymore. So this resource must have modify permissions.

Any ideas how do I fix this? So basically what I want to achieve is when I manually change product availability via backend, I want it to stay that way, no matter what.

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