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Import combination: Technical error: Unexpected response returned by server. Import stopped.


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I'm trying to import the sample combination csv file of Pretashop but it doesn't work.
I got an error message: Technical error: Unexpected response returned by server. Import stopped. as in attachmentcombinations_import_test.csvimage.thumb.png.1ae128d3baf8f70bf201b7270ce4003c.png
I checked console log and found that this is due to duplicate 'id_product'. It seems I can't bulk import many combination at a time, just one by one.


Please can someone help?
Thank you very much.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I too am having exactly the same issue - products works fine, combinations fails

I even downloaded a new sample file and tried that format - same result

It's the same as in this post where the poster eventually spent £160 on a module to do it for him - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiXhLmw8PiCAxUWhP0HHdv0BkIQFnoECA0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.prestashop.com%2Fforums%2Ftopic%2F1081798-cant-import-product-combinations-on-812%2F&usg=AOvVaw0IxeH1_cWqiSyups9DOFrd&opi=89978449

Fingers crossed for a speedy resolution


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  • 5 months later...

I don know exactly why this fails. I only know that bulk uploading by csv is a very secure job. 1 small mistake and it will fail. I have good experience with the following product. Its a very complete data tool for prestashop. There is a 14 days free trial, but also the pricing is low and has a bunch of features:


Besides that in backoffice in the productpage you can generate for every product in 1 step multiple combinations per product. This is a standard feature. So if you have 20 combinations you can select them in the productpage in backoffice at the combination tab. then hit generate button and id's are made automaticly. Ofcourse you first have to create the attributes in the attributes and features  tab under catalogue. For example: create a color attribute with 10 colors and save them. You can also make more attributes and in the combination tab make a combination of more then 1 attribute. For example: Combine color and size, just select them and hit the generate button in the combination tab(product level) it will generate automaticly all the different combinations.


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Thx for the feedback @ecommerce16

There are many products from a long table. It would take me additional long term affords to transfer them including translation and further details (price, attributes and so on).

Therefore, I have this CSV files which is exported as UTF-8 from Excel (because of German content). If I have not mistaken anything, then unique-ids are given.

However, I would really appreciate, if you see any mistakes.


1) Categories are imported (Test Kategorien...csv)

2) Products also (Test Produkte ...csv)

3) It fails with the combination import afterwards (Test Varianten...csv)

The first 2 lines are skipped on export. Furthermore, the 8th line is not in my DB yet, but I did it by intention on my last test to see, if it will be created. Thus, it will not work without the 6th product anyway :( And yes, I have also tried to import after registering manual attributes (5 of 6).


Test Produkte Export-PrestaShop_20240828_2 - works.csv Test Varianten Export-PrestaShop_20240904_fails.csv Test Kategorien Export-PrestaShop-20240828 - works.CSV

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i am not a data-specialist so unfortunately i cant helpyou with the csv file to check. I only know that others have very good experience with the tool i mentioned https://www.getdatakick.com/

you can try it for free, and see what it can do. what i hear its worth every euro when people use it. also the developer is a very good data specialist. they can sure help with your case.

  • Thanks 1
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