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HELP, clicking on all products getting error


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When click on ALL PRODUCTS link, got this error: 

Unknown column 'controller' in 'where clause'<br /><br /><pre>SELECT type, id_value, filter_show_limit, filter_type FROM kl7d_layered_category WHERE controller = 'category' AND id_category = 19 AND id_shop = 1 GROUP BY `type`, id_value ORDER BY position ASC</pre>
at line 765 in file classes/db/Db.php


Can anybody help please? Version

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Based on the error message, it seems that the missing column 'controller' is expected in the table 'kl7d_layered_category.' You should verify if this column is indeed missing in your database.

Look for the 'kl7d_layered_category' table, and check if the 'controller' column exists. If it doesn't, you'll need to add it.

Here's an example SQL command to add the column:

ALTER TABLE `kl7d_layered_category` ADD COLUMN `controller` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL;

Make sure to adjust the column data type and length to match your specific needs.

After adding the missing column, you may need to update PrestaShop to ensure that it recognizes and works with the new column.

Sometimes, PrestaShop caches database schema information. To make sure that the changes are recognized, clear the cache. You can do this by deleting the contents of the "var/cache" directory in your Prestashop installation.

After making these changes, try clicking on the "ALL PRODUCTS" link again and see if the error is resolved.

NOTE Making changes to the database can be risky, and it's essential to ensure that you have a backup and know what you're doing to avoid data loss or corruption.


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