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Fatal error: Class 'ToolsCore' not found in public_html/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php(114) : eval()'d code on line 1


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suddenly I'm having a fatal error and I cant access not front office nor back office. After turning on debug mode via ftp I'm having this:
Fatal error: Class 'ToolsCore' not found in public_html/classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php(114) : eval()'d code on line 1

I changed the file with the new one from repository however without any effect. Could you help tell me what can be wrong and how to repair it? Presta 1.6, no changes were made to the website for months and months so I have no idea what happened...
Back-up from seven days before - same situation 😕

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11 minutes ago, wepresta said:

Could you attach here PrestaShopAutoload.php please ? I will check

* 2007-2017 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2017 PrestaShop SA
*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA

 * @since 1.5
class PrestaShopAutoload
     * File where classes index is stored
    const INDEX_FILE = 'cache/class_index.php';

     * @var PrestaShopAutoload
    protected static $instance;

     * @var string Root directory
    protected $root_dir;

     *  @var array array('classname' => 'path/to/override', 'classnamecore' => 'path/to/class/core')
    public $index = array();

    public $_include_override_path = true;

    protected static $class_aliases = array(
        'Collection' => 'PrestaShopCollection',
        'Autoload' => 'PrestaShopAutoload',
        'Backup' => 'PrestaShopBackup',
        'Logger' => 'PrestaShopLogger'

    protected function __construct()
        $this->root_dir = _PS_CORE_DIR_.'/';
        $file = $this->normalizeDirectory(_PS_ROOT_DIR_).PrestaShopAutoload::INDEX_FILE;
        if (@filemtime($file) && is_readable($file)) {
            $this->index = include($file);
        } else {

     * Get instance of autoload (singleton)
     * @return PrestaShopAutoload
    public static function getInstance()
        if (!PrestaShopAutoload::$instance) {
            PrestaShopAutoload::$instance = new PrestaShopAutoload();

        return PrestaShopAutoload::$instance;

     * Retrieve informations about a class in classes index and load it
     * @param string $classname
    public function load($classname)
        // Retrocompatibility
        if (isset(PrestaShopAutoload::$class_aliases[$classname]) && !interface_exists($classname, false) && !class_exists($classname, false)) {
            return eval('class '.$classname.' extends '.PrestaShopAutoload::$class_aliases[$classname].' {}');

        // regenerate the class index if the requested file doesn't exists
        if ((isset($this->index[$classname]) && $this->index[$classname]['path'] && !is_file($this->root_dir.$this->index[$classname]['path']))
            || (isset($this->index[$classname.'Core']) && $this->index[$classname.'Core']['path'] && !is_file($this->root_dir.$this->index[$classname.'Core']['path']))) {

        // If $classname has not core suffix (E.g. Shop, Product)
        if (substr($classname, -4) != 'Core') {
            $class_dir = (isset($this->index[$classname]['override'])
                && $this->index[$classname]['override'] === true) ? $this->normalizeDirectory(_PS_ROOT_DIR_) : $this->root_dir;

            // If requested class does not exist, load associated core class
            if (isset($this->index[$classname]) && !$this->index[$classname]['path']) {

                if ($this->index[$classname.'Core']['type'] != 'interface') {
                    eval($this->index[$classname.'Core']['type'].' '.$classname.' extends '.$classname.'Core {}');
            } else {
                // request a non Core Class load the associated Core class if exists
                if (isset($this->index[$classname.'Core'])) {

                if (isset($this->index[$classname])) {
        // Call directly ProductCore, ShopCore class
        elseif (isset($this->index[$classname]['path']) && $this->index[$classname]['path']) {

     * Generate classes index
    public function generateIndex()
        $classes = array_merge(

        if ($this->_include_override_path) {
            $classes = array_merge(
                $this->getClassesFromDir('override/classes/', defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_')),
                $this->getClassesFromDir('override/controllers/', defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_'))

        $content = '<?php return '.var_export($classes, true).'; ?>';

        // Write classes index on disc to cache it
        $filename = $this->normalizeDirectory(_PS_ROOT_DIR_).PrestaShopAutoload::INDEX_FILE;
        $filename_tmp = tempnam(dirname($filename), basename($filename.'.'));
        if ($filename_tmp !== false && file_put_contents($filename_tmp, $content) !== false) {
            if (!@rename($filename_tmp, $filename)) {
            } else {
                @chmod($filename, 0666);
        // $filename_tmp couldn't be written. $filename should be there anyway (even if outdated), no need to die.
        else {
            Tools::error_log('Cannot write temporary file '.$filename_tmp);
        $this->index = $classes;

     * Retrieve recursively all classes in a directory and its subdirectories
     * @param string $path Relativ path from root to the directory
     * @return array
    protected function getClassesFromDir($path, $host_mode = false)
        $classes = array();
        $root_dir = $host_mode ? $this->normalizeDirectory(_PS_ROOT_DIR_) : $this->root_dir;

        foreach (scandir($root_dir.$path) as $file) {
            if ($file[0] != '.') {
                if (is_dir($root_dir.$path.$file)) {
                    $classes = array_merge($classes, $this->getClassesFromDir($path.$file.'/', $host_mode));
                } elseif (substr($file, -4) == '.php') {
                    $content = file_get_contents($root_dir.$path.$file);

                    $namespacePattern = '[\\a-z0-9_]*[\\]';
                    $pattern = '#\W((abstract\s+)?class|interface)\s+(?P<classname>'.basename($file, '.php').'(?:Core)?)'

                    if (preg_match($pattern, $content, $m)) {
                        $classes[$m['classname']] = array(
                            'path' => $path.$file,
                            'type' => trim($m[1]),
                            'override' => $host_mode

                        if (substr($m['classname'], -4) == 'Core') {
                            $classes[substr($m['classname'], 0, -4)] = array(
                                'path' => '',
                                'type' => $classes[$m['classname']]['type'],
                                'override' => $host_mode

        return $classes;

    public function getClassPath($classname)
        return (isset($this->index[$classname]) && isset($this->index[$classname]['path'])) ? $this->index[$classname]['path'] : null;

    private function normalizeDirectory($directory)
        return rtrim($directory, '/\\').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;


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