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[Moved] Wrong storing of utf-8 strings

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Hi, I have a problem with storing strings to the database. Every table has utf8_general_ci collation but if I look to the database each string that contains diacritical marks is stored wrong (it has utf-8 structure but it is not stored as utf-8). I believe (not sure) it is due the fact that PrestaShop does not send SET NAMES as initial query and although every string is presented correctly in the shop, it is not stored so, and it causes problems.


Example: If I try to search product which is named with diacritical chars (wedges mainly) typing its name without the wedges into the search box of PrestaShop will not work. But it should because it is a feature of utf8_general_ci collation.




This topic was moved to http://www.prestashop.com/forum/index.php/topic,1086.0.html

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