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API prestashop python: table not appearing


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Hello, so I have this code: 

from prestapyt import PrestaShopWebServiceDict


key =xxxxxx

prestashop = PrestaShopWebServiceDict(url, key)

data = prestashop.get('bap_image')

and I would like to get the information of my bap_image table but I got this error telling me that this table doesn't exist:prestapyt.prestapyt.PrestaShopWebServiceError: 'Resource of type "bap_image" does not exists. Did you mean: "images"? The full list is: "addresses", "attachments", "carriers", "cart_rules", "carts", "categories", "combinations", "configurations", "contacts", "content_management_system", "countries", "currencies", "customer_messages", "customer_threads", "customers", "customizations", "deliveries", "employees", "groups", "guests", "image_types", "images", "languages", "manufacturers", "messages", "order_carriers", "order_cart_rules", "order_details", "order_histories", "order_invoices", "order_payments", "order_slip", "order_states", "orders", "price_ranges", "product_customization_fields", "product_feature_values", "product_features", "product_option_values", "product_options", "product_suppliers", "products", "search", "shop_groups", "shop_urls", "shops", "specific_price_rules", "specific_prices", "states", "stock_availables", "stock_movement_reasons", "stock_movements", "stocks", "stores", "suppliers", "supply_order_details", "supply_order_histories", "supply_order_receipt_histories", "supply_order_states", "supply_orders", "tags", "tax_rule_groups", "tax_rules", "taxes", "translated_configurations", "warehouse_product_locations", "warehouses", "weight_ranges", "zones"'

but when I look directly in prestashop this table does exist



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The error message you are encountering indicates that there is no resource (table) named "bap_image" in the PrestaShop web service API. Instead, the available resource for managing images in PrestaShop is called "images."

To get the information from the "images" table, you should modify your code accordingly:

from prestapyt import PrestaShopWebServiceDict

url = 'xxxxxxx'
key = 'xxxxxx'

prestashop = PrestaShopWebServiceDict(url, key)

data = prestashop.get('images')

This should work without any error and fetch data from the "images" resource (table) in PrestaShop.


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