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Attributes hidden name shown in URL


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On the webshop is standard to be shown the Public Name of the attribute, so the Name of the Attribute is hidden, but in the URL of the same product shows the Name of the attribute and not the Public Name. Where is the logic? Can someone help me replace the Name of the attribute with the Public Name of the attribute in all URLs?

Best regards,

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As attached you can see an example of how it is on my webshop, and this is the URL link:

The Name in Attributes is "EdenGarden Dimension", and the Public name is "Dimension". I do not want to show EdenGarden in the URL.

Best regards,

Attributes 01.jpg

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il y a 2 minutes, igorigor15 a dit :

I need automatic set this as default because I have more than 2300 products with an average of 5 attributes each. Is there any option to change this automatically?

I appreciate your help.

You only need to intervene on the attributes, not on the products.

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