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function called with false parameter

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I've got a very strange behavior in Symfony / Prestashop.

This is the code:

 $row['attachments'] = [];
 if (!isset($row['cache_has_attachments']) || $row['cache_has_attachments']) {
        $row['attachments'] = Product::getAttachmentsStatic((int) $id_lang, (int) $row['id_product']);

The function Product::getAttachmentsStatic($id_lang, $id_product) basically expects two ints.

However symfony throws an Exception becuase the function is called like this Product::getAttachmentsStatic(2, false). The var_dump($row['id_product']); one row before shows that $row['id_product']='20'.

How could the variable change within one row?

I am using PHP 7.4 and Prestashop with a plugin overwriting the product class.

The data in $row are fine. I have absolutly no clue what to do.



Also posted on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74904973/symfony-function-called-with-false-parameter

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Il y a 2 heures, CMeier Software a dit :

No, there is only the function "Product::getAttachmentsStatic($id_lang, $id_product)" is in the override.

So the concern is at this level, because the basic function is made like this:

     * @param int $id_lang Language identifier
     * @param int $id_product Product identifier
     * @return array
    public static function getAttachmentsStatic($id_lang, $id_product)
        return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS('
        SELECT *
        FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attachment pa
        LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attachment a ON a.id_attachment = pa.id_attachment
        LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attachment_lang al ON (a.id_attachment = al.id_attachment AND al.id_lang = ' . (int) $id_lang . ')
        WHERE pa.id_product = ' . (int) $id_product);

So what does your override look like?

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public static function getAttachmentsStatic($id_lang, $id_product)
        $return_attach =  Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS('
        SELECT *
        FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attachment pa
        LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attachment a ON a.id_attachment = pa.id_attachment
        LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attachment_lang al ON (a.id_attachment = al.id_attachment AND al.id_lang = ' . (int) $id_lang . ')
        WHERE pa.id_product = ' . (int) $id_product);
        if ($return_attach) {
            $attach_id_arrys = [];
            foreach ($return_attach as $pfta_value) {
                $attach_id_arrys[] = $pfta_value['id_attachment'];
            return $return_attach;
        $group_id = Group::getCurrent()->id;
        $id_product = Tools::getValue('id_product');
        $active_rules_datas = AddifyproductattachmentproModel::getallrulesgrouped($group_id,$id_product);
        if ($active_rules_datas) {
            $final_attachment_ids = [];
            foreach ($active_rules_datas as $active_rule_data) {
                if ($active_rule_data['accessibility'] == 0) {  
                    $attach_db_id_arrys = explode(",",$active_rule_data['Attach_Files']);
                    foreach ($attach_db_id_arrys as $attach_db_id_arry) {
                        if (in_array($attach_db_id_arry, $attach_id_arrys)) {
                          $final_attachment_ids[] = $attach_db_id_arry;
                    $con =  Context::getContext();
                    $id_customer = $con->customer->id;
                    $order_list = Order::getCustomerOrders($id_customer);
                    if ($order_list) {
                       foreach ($order_list as $value) {
                            $order = new Order($value['id_order']);
                            $products = $order->getProducts();
                            foreach ($products as $products_value) {
                                if ($products_value['product_id'] == $id_product) {
                                    $attach_db_id_arrys = explode(",",$active_rule_data['Attach_Files']);
                                    foreach ($attach_db_id_arrys as $attach_db_id_arry) {
                                        if (in_array($attach_db_id_arry, $attach_id_arrys)) {
                                          $final_attachment_ids[] = $attach_db_id_arry;
            $final_attachments = [];
            foreach ($return_attach as $pfta_files) {
                $attach_id_arrys[] = $pfta_files['id_attachment'];
                if (in_array($pfta_files['id_attachment'], $final_attachment_ids)) {
                   $final_attachments[] = $pfta_files;
            return $final_attachments;
            $arrayattach = [];
            return $arrayattach;

Basically the function tries to get the data from the database with the given parameter. But if that was not succesful the function tries to get that from the context. In my situation the context is not set. Here the funtion tries to access $id_customer = $con->customer->id;where $con = null. The correct behavior would be the function call with the corret parameter.

This is code from a module, so its not mine

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when we analyze the code of this overload, we can see that if a data is missing, as there is no test on it, it will crash the code.

So either this overload is badly coded, or you find yourself in a case that should not exist.

But looking at the code, we can see that it is not really optimized and loads data repeatedly when some could be loaded only once.

So, contact the module support to either install the latest version of the module if it exists or to improve and secure the code.

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