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I need help with custom column + filter in product list (backoffice)


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I need to filter in the list of products (backoffice catalog) the products that are on sale. I had managed to create a custom column in the list, a select input that sends a request (0 or 1) and searches in 'ps_products' if the product has the on_sale column at 1 but I realized that there is a table called ps_products_sale that does I'm not mistaken, sale is the products on sale.

My problem is that I can't modify the 'ActionAdminProductsListingFieldsModifier' hook so that if I select 'Yes' (product on sale, value 1) in the select, it shows/filters the products that are in that table.

I don't understand the parameters of ActionAdminProductsListingFieldsModifier ($params['sql_select'], $params['sql_table'], etc...)


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