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Is order_row.id always the same as order_details.id ?


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TL;DR : Using API requests, 'order.associations.order_rows.order_row.id' seems to be always equal to 'order_details.id'. Is this by design, or just a coincidence ?

Hi there !

I'm not sure I'm posting in the right section so feel free to let me know :)

I'm using Prestashop 1,7 API to grab all orders made on the store and put them in our company's ERP. In a full schema of the "order" endpoint, there's an "order_row" array within "associations.order_rows" containing a few informations about order rows, and each of them has an ID.

Since I need a bit more informations than the one in order_row, I'm also grabbing every "order_detail" associated to the order I want. Every order_detail also has an ID, and as far as I can tell, this is the same as order_row.id. Which is perfect since it allows me to link order_row and order_detail.

But I'm a bit worried that this link I'm seeing there is just a coincidence because my shop is completely empty and IDs are clean.

Would you kindly telle me if those IDs are really linked by design, or should I avoid relying on it ?

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