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Addon Chronopost ne prend pas en charge les fdp additionnels

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Suis je le seul à avoir remarqué que le module Chronopost officiel ne prend pas en charge les frais de port additionnels paramétrés dans la fiche produit?... Si non, quelqu'un a t-il trouvé une solution?


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Partie du code à remplacer

        $arrcode = (($c->iso_code == 'FR' || $c->iso_code == 'FX') ? $a->postcode : $c->iso_code);
        $cache = Db::getInstance()->executeS(
            'SELECT price, last_updated FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'chrono_quickcost_cache` '
            .'WHERE arrcode = "'.pSQL($arrcode).'" && product_code="'.pSQL($productCode).'"'
            .' && weight="'.$cart->getTotalWeight() * Configuration::get('CHRONOPOST_GENERAL_WEIGHTCOEF') .'"'
            .' && account_number="'. $defaultAccount.'"'
        $additionnal_costs = 0;
        if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING']) && $carrier->shipping_handling) {
            $additionnal_costs += (float)$configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING'];
        foreach ($cart->getProducts() as $p) {
            if (!$p['is_virtual']) {
                $additionnal_costs += $p['additional_shipping_cost'] * $p['cart_quantity'];
        if (!empty($cache) && $cache[0]['last_updated'] + 24 * 3600 > time()) {
            // return from cache
            if ($cache[0]['price'] != 0) {
                $cachedPrice = $cache[0]['price'] * (1 + Configuration::get('CHRONOPOST_QUICKCOST_SUPPLEMENT') / 100);
            $cachedPrice += $additionnal_costs;
            return $cachedPrice;


        // Get account informations for the product

        $ws = new QuickcostServiceWSService();
        $qc = new quickCost();
        $qc->accountNumber = $defaultAccount;
        $qc->password = self::getAccountInformationByAccountNumber($defaultAccount)['password'];
        $qc->depCode = Configuration::get('CHRONOPOST_SHIPPER_ZIPCODE');
        $qc->arrCode = $arrcode;
        $qc->weight = $cart->getTotalWeight() * Configuration::get('CHRONOPOST_GENERAL_WEIGHTCOEF');
        if ($qc->weight == 0) {
            $qc->weight = 0.1;
        } // 0 yeilds an error

        $qc->productCode = $productCode;

        $qc->type = 'M';

        try {
            $quickCostAmount = 0;
            $res = $ws->quickCost($qc);
            if ($res->return->amountTTC != 0) {
                $quickCostAmount = $res->return->amountTTC;
            if ($res->return->amount != 0) {
                $quickCostAmount = $res->return->amount;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return $shipping_cost;

        if (empty($cache)) {
            DB::getInstance()->query('INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'chrono_quickcost_cache (product_code, arrcode,
                 weight, price, account_number, last_updated) VALUES (
                        "'.(float)$cart->getTotalWeight() * Configuration::get('CHRONOPOST_GENERAL_WEIGHTCOEF') .'",
        } else {
            DB::getInstance()->query('UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'chrono_quickcost_cache
                    SET price="'.(float)$quickCostAmount.'", last_updated='.time().'
                    WHERE arrcode="'.pSQL($arrcode).'"
                    and product_code="'.pSQL($productCode).'"
                    and account_number="'.pSQL($defaultAccount).'"
                    AND weight="'.(float)$cart->getTotalWeight() * Configuration::get('CHRONOPOST_GENERAL_WEIGHTCOEF').'"

        if ($quickCostAmount != 0) {
            $chrono_price = $res->return->amountTTC;
            $chrono_price += $additionnal_costs;
            return $chrono_price * (1 + Configuration::get('CHRONOPOST_QUICKCOST_SUPPLEMENT') / 100);

        return false;


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Ok, il y a juste les 2 lignes en plus en fin de partie apparemment:

$chrono_price = $res->return->amountTTC;
$chrono_price += $additionnal_costs;


Bon ben non, il doit y avoir des choses en plus, j'ai pas pris le temps de regarder ligne par ligne, j'ai donc tout remplacé et ça fonctionne, merci! Par contre c'est pénible, à chaque mis à jour du module on va devoir refaire la manip 😞

Edited by St055 (see edit history)
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Ou prévenir l'auteur du module^^

J'ai ajouté:

        $additionnal_costs = 0;
        if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING']) && $carrier->shipping_handling) {
            $additionnal_costs += (float)$configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING'];
        foreach ($cart->getProducts() as $p) {
            if (!$p['is_virtual']) {
                $additionnal_costs += $p['additional_shipping_cost'] * $p['cart_quantity'];

et ça:

$cachedPrice += $additionnal_costs;

et modifié la fin:

        if ($quickCostAmount != 0) {
            $chrono_price = $res->return->amountTTC;
            $chrono_price += $additionnal_costs;
            return $chrono_price * (1 + Configuration::get('CHRONOPOST_QUICKCOST_SUPPLEMENT') / 100);


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