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Can't use a custom route in js

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I have a module which will add actions to the orders in the back-office. In my module, I decorate the OrderController() and create a route to call my function. but when I want to call the route in javascript, I have the error : The route "mymodule_newaction" does not exist. If I check debug:router in the console, I see the route 

Here is my routes.yml :

    path: mymodule/{orderId}/newaction
    methods: [POST]
      _controller:  'MyCompany\MyModule\Controller\Admin\Sell\Order\CustomOrderController::newAction'
      _legacy_controller: 'OrderController'
      _legacy_link: 'CustomOrderController::newAction'
      expose: true
      orderId: \d+


I can't figure out how to make the the route work.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi there.

Have you find a solution for this issue? i have the same problem. I'm still searching why custom route from module does not generate when we call it from javascript. Seems Prestashop devs are aware of this problem but even in github no solution was provided.

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