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Stock doesn't update

Alondra Sanchez

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Hi, I have a problem whit my stock

The problem is that I update my stock whit 48 pieces and someone bought 5 pieces and then in another order 1 piece 

If I see the stock it says 47 pieces, It only took an order. I am using RockPOS. In stock management appear that I sold 5 and 1 pieces 

Do you know why this is happening?

Prestahop Version:

Php version: 7.1.33


Captura de pantalla 2022-05-24 095452.png

Captura de pantalla 2022-05-24 095258.png

Edited by Alondra Sanchez (see edit history)
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In case of any ERP the stock movement is directly connected to a certain Order status which validates the order. I'm not certain however - are you sure that the order where 5 products have been bought is a valid order from the ERP perspective ? 

Prestashop has a similar built in logic based on order is considered valid. 

Kind Regards, 


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16 minutes ago, Prestachamps said:


In case of any ERP the stock movement is directly connected to a certain Order status which validates the order. I'm not certain however - are you sure that the order where 5 products have been bought is a valid order from the ERP perspective ? 

Prestashop has a similar built in logic based on order is considered valid. 

Kind Regards, 



I was searching it in the RockPOS and the order of 5 products aren't there, but in the management stock it appear the sell and in the orders too.

But I have another order that is one product and the order is in the RockPOS and in the order section but not in management stock.

These two orders are from the same product. 

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