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How easy is it to add a lot of products with photos in the description?


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Im trying to add products, but it is too slow. I have something about 500 products to add.


1) I use Kompozer to create a text description with bullets and smaller font size in specifation (which I am unable to do in presta standard text editor).

2) Switch to source tab, copy html, and paste it to presta text editor in "source".

3) Later I trying to add photos bellow my main description with short text on it side. But everything moving out and it  is terrible.


I know - everthing is my foult, but I need some solution :)

Im trying to use CSV export, but I cant prepare description in Kompozer with photos from my web page ftp, and manualy coping links to each photo will takes hours.



1) Kompozer

2) How I want to my product description look with photos


text with photos.png

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