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problem with brand slider module


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Hello, I have a module that is free, and it is very useful to me, but I would like it to take the images of a specific size and not the pure size as it currently does...

for example I want it to take the images from "manufacturer_default" but it does it directly and that makes them very heavy.

Is there a way that you can help me?, I paste part of the code in case someone can.


     protected function _prepareHook()
            case 'name_desc':
                $order = 'name desc';
            case 'manu_asc':
                $order = 'id_manufacturer asc';
            case 'manu_desc':
                $order = 'id_manufacturer desc';
                $order = 'name asc';
        $manufacturers = $this->getManufactures($order, (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURER_NUMBER') > 0 ? (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURER_NUMBER') : false);
        foreach ($manufacturers as &$manufacturer)
                $manufacturer['image'] = _THEME_MANU_DIR_.$manufacturer['id_manufacturer'].'.jpg';
                $manufacturer['image'] = $this->_path.'images/default_logo.jpg';
			'manufacturers' => $manufacturers,
			'YBC_MF_TITLE' => Configuration::get('YBC_MF_TITLE', (int)$this->context->language->id),
			'YBC_MF_SHOW_NAME' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SHOW_NAME'),
            'YBC_MF_PER_ROW_DESKTOP' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PER_ROW_DESKTOP'),
            'YBC_MF_PER_ROW_MOBILE' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PER_ROW_MOBILE'),
            'YBC_MF_PER_ROW_TABLET' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PER_ROW_TABLET'),
            'YBC_MF_SHOW_NAV' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SHOW_NAV'),
            'YBC_MF_AUTO_PLAY' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_AUTO_PLAY'),
            'YBC_MF_PAUSE' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PAUSE'),
            'YBC_MF_SPEED' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SPEED') > 0 ? (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SPEED') : 5000,
            'link' => $this->context->link,
            'view_all_mnf' => $this->context->link->getPageLink('manufacturer')
        return $this->display(__FILE__, 'manufacturers.tpl');


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You can generate manufacturer image link like this:

$manufacturer['image'] = $this->context->link->getManufacturerImageLink($manufacturer['id_manufacturer'], 'medium_default');

You can replace medium_default with the type of image you want, but which is available for the brand.

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I just pass the $manufacturers variable to smarty and then you can pick the image size to use from there e.g.:

In the module:

$manufacturers = Manufacturer::getManufacturers();
$this->smarty->assign(array('manufacturers' => $manufacturers, 'mylink' => $this->context->link));

Then in the template you can pick the image and :

{foreach $manufacturers item=manufacturer name=manufacturers}
    <a href="{$mylink->getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)}" title="{$manufacturer.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
      <img src="{$urls.img_ps_url}/m/{$manufacturer.id_manufacturer}-small_default.jpg"

The above was heavily edited from an old project (and it's late!) so apologies for any typos.... obviously you want to pick the thumbnail size that most closely matches the size you want the image.

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