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Send automatic email when the $alertDate = $dateNow


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version PS :

The mail work. If you have a question for "how to send mail in localhost?" I can help.

But my question it about a loop. 

I created a crm module. But I need to send mail when a ticket it is create. For example, when the salary will contact a customer in a specific datetime.

So, I have a problem with my loop and with the date format.

This is my function :

    public function my_function(){
        $today = new DateTime('2022-02-01 09:09');
        $mailtest = '[email protected]';
        $sql = "SELECT 
        " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.id,
        " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.mail,
         " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.alert,
        " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.commentaire,
        " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.datetime,
        " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.statut
        FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module` 
        WHERE id=" . (int)Tools::getValue('id_com');
        $com = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
        foreach ($com as $row){
            if($row['alert']==$today) {
                $alert = $row['alert'];
                $email = $row['mail'];
                $coment = $row['commentaire'];
                $date =$row['datetime'];

Two question :

I don't know how I can format my $row['alert'] and my $today format.


  • date / today : 2022-01-21 17:43:30
  • alert : 2022-02-01T09:09

Doesn't match.

And, where I can put my loop ?

I want that is work even if I don't use my module 😕


Someone can I help me ? Please

And if you need help about configuration about localhost send message. I can.


See u :)





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public function my_function(){

        $today = new DateTime(); // if you want the current day (i.e. today) you don't need any arguments when instantiating a DateTime
	$today = $today->format('Y-m-d'); // will give a string in the format e.g. '2022-01-22'
        $mailtest = '[email protected]';
        $sql = "SELECT 
        " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.id,
        " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.mail,
         " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.alert,
        " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.commentaire,
        " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.datetime,
        " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module.statut
        FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "module` 
        WHERE id=" . (int)Tools::getValue('id_com');
        $com = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
        foreach ($com as $row){
            if(substr($row['alert'],0,10) == $today) { //compare the first 10 characters of the DB value (e.g. '2022-01-22') to the formatted DateTime.
                $alert = $row['alert'];
                $email = $row['mail'];
                $coment = $row['commentaire'];
                $date =$row['datetime'];

See changes and comments above for matching date formats, hope that helps.

Edited by lordignus
Mistake (see edit history)
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Thank you very much ;) 

I will try it.

But in the same time, Where and When I can put my loop ?

Because, this is a module.

And I want that, each second, the loop turn, to compare the $date_alert to the current date.

And when They match : I want that the module send $mail_alert


I don't know if I am clear about this, because I start to understand php, sql and so on.

So, thank you very much for your help

Have a good day



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