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Error trying to create a new product / Error intentando crear un nuevo producto (RouteNotFoundException)

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Buenas tardes comunidad.


Estoy configurando mi tienda y al intentar crear mi primer producto y me está arrojando el siguiente error "An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to generate a URL for the named route "admin_warehouse_refresh_product_warehouse_combination_form" as such route does not exist.")."

¿Alguno ha pasado por algo similar?

No consigo solución, Si alguno tiene idea de que puedo hacer para resolverlo, les agradecería muchísimo, por favor.




I am setting up my store and trying to create my first product and it is throwing me the following error  "An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to generate a URL for the named route "admin_warehouse_refresh_product_warehouse_combination_form" as such route does not exist.")."


Has anyone been through something similar?

I can't get a solution. If anyone has any idea what I can do to solve it, I would appreciate it very much, please.



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