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Automatically apply COUPON CODE using from URL parameters

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Hi guys, is it possible to create a link which auto-applies coupon codes at checkout?

e.g. I have a display ads campaign showing the promo code 10%off called "PROMO10"

For users that click the banner, I want them to have auto applied the coupon and discount on checkout if they are about to pruchase an item.

So that they don't need to write down, or remember the coupon



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hace 26 minutos, MickyMereu dijo:

Thank you!! this is very interesting, is there a plugin or how could I implement that? (I'm the marketer, but can pass the info to developers)



Just check the URL called when you add the voucher in the checkout, and instead of sending the parameter as POST, send it as GET.

But, as said, it would only work if the customer already has a product in the cart.

Edited by joseantgv (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

You need a module to achieve that a promo/discount code works even when a customer's basket is empty. It is exactly what we needed for an email campaign where a link was included. That is why we have a module "Voucher by URL" developed. This module even allows to add a product or coupon to cart through a customized URL link. 😀

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  • 2 months later...

I tried voucherbyurl module on GIT : pgarcpri/voucherUrl but this one crashed checkout page.

then I tried some other forks, but still same, even if I added ?voucher=MYVOUCHER the voucher did not apply. I have not been able to make it work with or without product in cart.

Are you recomanding some free addon which is supposed to work with PS1.7 ?

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I can guarantee that there is no such module that would work as I've been trying to find one for months. The problem is that a customer MUST have some product in cart for url to work as been already mentioned by @joseantgv. This is the reason I had a module developed and coded and this module generates an url that can be used anywhere, in emails for example and there is NO need to have a product in cart, hope it is clear. I currently do not have any active coupon otherwise I would show you how it works.

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@MickyMereu @tonnick Here are the promised examples... 😉

You can test the module by going to this page: ABSINTHE GIVEAWAY and hitting the button SHOP ABSINTHE NOW, it will add 15% discount to your cart as soon as you add any product to it. The link can be used anywhere, socials or emails.
Adding product - you can hit this link FREE ABSINTHE BOTTLE and you'll have a free bottle (and maybe some other gift) in your cart as soon as you add any product with value over $300 (condition is set - min cart value).

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