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image replace with JS - help :)

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Hi all!

I wonder if you could help me. I'm trying to add a bit of JS code so that on product page, the product image is replaced with smaller size on mobile devices. I got it working on all product images except for the active image (cover) and the next one. From what I'm guessing, I think jquery is overriding my code, but I can't figure out a way to stop that from happening. If I add my code in the browser console it works perfectly with all images, but when I include the code in custom.js or theme.js (or via theme configuration - it has a custom js section) it doesn't work.

I'm using Warehouse 4.4.2 template on Prestashop 1.7.

My code is:


const metaTagValue = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:type"');
const imageToReplace = document.querySelectorAll('#product-images-large .product-lmage-large img');
const thumbClick = document.querySelectorAll('img.thumb.js-thumb.img-fluid.swiper-lazy.swiper-lazy-loaded');
if (metaTagValue.content === 'product') {
    function replaceImages() {
        if (imageToReplace.length !== 0 && window.innerWidth <= 767) {
            for (const replacedImg of imageToReplace) {
                let x = `${replacedImg.dataset.src}`;
                let y = `${replacedImg.src}`;
                if (x.includes('large_default')) {
                    replacedImg.src = `${x.replace('large_default', 'home_default')}`;
                    replacedImg.width = '360';
                    replacedImg.height = '360';
                } else if (y.includes('large_default')) {
                    replacedImg.src = `${y.replace('large_default', 'home_default')}`;
                    replacedImg.width = '360';
                    replacedImg.height = '360';

    for (eachThumb of thumbClick) {
        eachThumb.addEventListener('click', () => {


The website is www.cbdstore.ie but I'm trying it on test environment with template v 4.4.2, while the production site is 4.4.1.

Any tips would be much appreciated!

Edited by matik4 (see edit history)
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