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[SOLVED] How to restore the CMS original pages and ID's?

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I recently bought a Theme for presta 1.4 wich comes with a trademark footer.
The problem is that the footer links only to the original CMS page ID's (1,2,3,4,5), however i wanted to change the cms pages and create new ones. So i deleted the original pages, created new ones (with the following ID's: 6,7,8,9), and i can´t link to them in the footer. And the worst thing is, now i have links on my footer to unexisting pages witch lead to an error page when you click them.
I would like to know:

1- How can i modify this footer to link to the new cms pages i create?


2- How can i restore the original cms pages without a new install?
If i had the original pages, i could rename them what i want and it would be fine.

Thanks in advance.

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Hello again.
I changed the id to 11, wich i created, but nothing happened, it still links to a missing page.
Also in the DB i have the 5 IDs for the cms but in my Back Office it only shows 3 plus the one i created.
If i erase both the cms in the BO and the DB, will it solve my problem?

Thank you.

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