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Issue after upgarde to


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I installed a fresh version of prestashop, and then upgraded to using 1 click upgrade. But after that I am not able to access the backend. The backend login page, just shows the prestashop logo, and the version.

PHP version is 7.2

The frontend is working

How to correct that


Edited by raunhar (see edit history)
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you should enable the debug mode, as most probably you have one database table missing  usually it's ps_employee_session table).

If this is your case, then you can execute this inside your PhpMyAdmin(if you have other Database Prefix then ps_ then modify the table name  accordingly to your prefix ps_employee_session

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_employee_session` (
  `id_employee_session` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `id_employee` int(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
  `token` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id_employee_session`)

Kind regards, Leo

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