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PrestaShop 1.6 - Copy LiveShop to test environment with new URL


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Hello everybody,

have the following problem: I'm trying to set up my live shop (version 1.6.x) with the URL "live" and DB A as a test environment with the URL "test" and DB B on the same server.

To do this, I created a new directory on the server> "Test Environment". I copied the entire files of my live shop into it, created a new DB and imported the previously exported DB from live shop A. Thus all files of the live shop and the new DB B are in the new directory "Test Environment".

Now I would have to assign the new DB B to the test environment shop and the new URL "test" so that I can use it. I plowed through all the previous guides, but somehow got stuck :(

So can one of you send me an exact step-by-step guide or a video in which files and the DB what needs to be changed.
Would be extremely grateful to you!


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Hi Solskin:
You need to change in the test environment the file: config/settings.inc.php  with the new details to access to the test environment database.
Once that you should enter to the backoffice and change de URL. Your prestashop backoffice will still have the URL of your production website and you should change if for the test environment URL.


Best regards

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You need to go to the database and change the acest domain name to install Prestahop.
Table in the database: ps_shop_url.
Once you change the domain in the ps_shop_url table, you must turn off the friendly URL and save it in the administration in the SEO & URLs settings.
Then turn the friendly URL into enabled and saved.
The last thing you need to do is recompile the template and clear the cache in the performance settings in the administration.

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