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actionProductOutOfStock not fired up correctly on product page


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I would like to use the native mechanism of the ps_emailalerts addon, so that a customer can enter his email at the product page of an out of stock product and getting notified when it is back in stock. I think that everything is set up correctly, but the hook does not fire up.

Firstly, I have enabled this feature at the addon settings page, ny enabling the "Product availability" option

The code was already in the product.tpl template

<div class="product-out-of-stock">
	{hook h='actionProductOutOfStock' product=$product}			

On my positions page, ps_emailalert is the only module under the hook actionProductOutOfStock. It seems correct. (A thing I am not sure about: This hook is listed as "non-positionable hook".)

But the hook is apparently not firing correctly. I am testing at the product page of an out of stock product and the html element shown above is completely empty.

A similar issue had been reported in the past, in this archived post, but it didn't help me.

Any clues? Thanks in advance

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